Pham An Hai
Pham An Hai artist was born in 1967 in Hanoi. He graduated from college and master’s degree of Hanoi University of Fine Arts, he has a steady platform with the technical knowledge of Academic art, but the artist refused all his capital and experience of realistic painting to turn to abstraction land with the desire to abstraction is an initiative, completely devoid of stuck expression in the language of art or deliberately seeking oracularity. The reality in his art was molded, pushed or relaxed to make the array, the geniality; the concerts of color, rhythm. His color is figure enough, mixed a little romantic, easy to see, to feel. This helps the artist successfully present works that severe requirement gentle like seasoning, four seasons of the year, especially autumn. The original reality transforms into the abstraction of feeling. His arts always half-open many things worthy of waiting. Quite conservative, evenly painting, evenly selling is what anyone carefully follows fine arts is seen in Pham An Hai because he only exhibited two personal exhibitions in the country nearly two decades ago. Meanwhile, his work is regular group and personal exhibition, international auctions. He won the second international prize for abstract paintings and was presented at the glorification event of 20 Asian modern artist of the fame Sotheby auction.
- Họa sĩ Phạm An Hải: Tôi muốn nghệ thuật trừu tượng gần gũi, dễ giao hòa với người xem
Article about the artist

Pham An Hai
Born in 1967 and living in Hanoi Vietnam
Master of Fine Arts
Member of Vietnam Fine Arts Association
Member of Hanoi Fine Arts Association
Graduated from Hanoi Fine Arts & Music College in 1988 (Majoring in painting)
Graduated from Hanoi Fine Arts Institute in 1995(Majoring in painting)
Graduated Master of Fine Arts at Hanoi Fine Arts Institute 2006 (Majoring in painting)
1992 to 1997
Group exhibition of Vietnam’s contemporary painter by Vietnam fine arts association & Hanoi fine arts association
Young painter of Vietnam contemporary (group exhibition) by Young painter of Vietnam club in Hanoi.
“Coming Spring” in Hanoi (group exhibition)
“Young painter contemporary” of Vietnam in Haiphong.
Selected painting exhibition Vietnam- Asean contemporary artists by Philip Morris Company
Group exhibition of Vietnam’s contemporary painters by Vietnam fine arts association
“ View from the Inside” at Nam Son Art Gallery in Hanoi (two person in group)
Group exhibition of Vietnam’s contemporary painters by Vietnam fine arts association
Selected paintings exhibition Vietnam-ASEAN contemporary artists by Philip Morris Company
“Widening our embrace” a Friends Gallery in Hanoi
“Tears for central areas” to help the population in central Vietnam by Prudential(U.K) & Name Son Art Gallery organization in Hanoi
“Structure “ First solo exhibition at Nam Son Art Gallery in Ha noi
“Vietnam Identities” at Sofitel Gallery in Melbourne Australia
Hanoi fine arts 2000 at AECE in Hanoi
“Vietnam Contemporary Fine arts 2000” at Deawoo Hotel
“Together with Children” at Friends Gallery to help the Children’s in Central Vietnam by CRS (USA)& Friends Gallery organization in Hanoi
National fine arts exhibition 2000 in Hanoi
“Hanoi with Heart and Soul & Mind ”at Gallery E in Hong Kong
“The World’s Premier Contemporary Asian art fair” in Singapore
Group exhibition at Rotunda, Exchange Square, in Hong Kong
“ Fresh Wind ” at Gallery E in Hong Kong
“Where the rivers meet” Vietnam Cultural Festival, Luxembourg & Continued in Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels. Belgium
“ Abstract View” at Nam Son Art Gallery in Hanoi
Group exhibition “Space Street” at Nam Son Gallery, in Hanoi
“Abstract Oil & lacquer” at Thavibu Gallery in Bangkok, Thailand
Group exhibition in Singapore
“Vietnam Now” Group exhibition in Seattle,Washington , USA
“ Vietnam contermporary art” Group exhibition in Tokyo, Japan
National fine arts exhibition 2005 in Hanoi
“Together” Group exhibition in Chiangmai,Thailand
“Dragon & Butter flight” Vietnam festival culture at Museum Victoriano in Roma, Italy
“Inside & Out side” Solo exhibition in Bangkok,Thailand
“Sosabeol international art expo” festival culture at Sosabeol, Korea
“Merging the best of East and West” Group exhibition in London, UK
“The Flow of time” solo exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand
“The Art of T” Group solo exhibiton in Mandarin, Hongkong
“In focus” Solo exhibition in Dubai- UAE
“ Mirage” Solo exhibition at Thavibu Gallery in Bangkok,Thailand
Modern & Contemporary South East Asia Auction in
Sotheby’s Hongkong 6 April & 7 Oct 2013
Asia Art Contemporary – Art fair at HongKong 5/2013 & Malaysia 9/2013
“At the hind sight” exhibition at Green Palm gallery, Hanoi, Vietnam
Honor Certificate Recognition by Philip Morris Company in Exhibition Vietnam – Asean contemporary fine arts in years: 1998,1999, 2000
Honor Certificate Recognition by Ministry of Culture & Information in Vietnam National fine arts Exhibition 2000
Honor Certificate Recognition by Vietnam Association fine arts in 2003
Third Price of Vietnam Association fine arts in 2004
Honor Certificate Recognition by Vietnam National Fine Arts Museum 2007
Pham An Hai Published by Vietnam fine arts public house 2000.
Asian art new may /jun .2001 p76-77,
Vietnam investment review,
Timeout march 20-26, 2000,
Vietnam economic times March, 2000,
Vietnam economic news No10, 2000,
Vietnam news march20, 2000,
New Vietnamese art in the 1990s, 2001
The Seattle Time Feb18, 2005
Vietnam Now, Published by Billy King & Dong Phong Art 2005
Impresssions and Expressions Vietnamese Contemporary Painting Published by Thavibu Gallery 2006
II Drago e la Farfalla art contemporaneous in Vietnam 2006
Pham An Hai Expressions & Abstractions Published by Thavibu Gallery 2007.
Post Vietnamese art after 1990 by Singapore fine art museum
The Art of T March 2010 Published by Asian Art de Vivre
Connector March 2010 (magazine of Dubai)
Mirage Published by Thavibu Gallery 2000
Modern & Contemporary South East Asia Auction by Sotheby’s
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